Gears of war judgment weapons

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They also beast with power weapons, shoot from further away and aren't Instead of dying which emphasizes revives for both sides. Friendlies and enemies go down more often Same goes for the Locust as my AI changes (defined below) carry over.

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Engineers have to stay on the move while Soldiers can stand their ground more easily. Overall, each class has a more defined playstyle.Medic Class received no major changes because the double barrel is now a reward in itself :).His health is greatly increased but movement speed greatly reduced Soldier Class Ammo Box has increased radius.Scout Class Spot Grenade now grants 25% damage boost & other debuffs.His movement speed is very fast but his health is very low Engineer Class Repair Tool now has more repair range, repair speed and near infinite magazine size.Engineer Class Sentry Gun now deploy 3x longer and reacts faster but with health/dmg reduced.

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ORIGINAL 1.0: Overrun classes now more effective and fun to use as well as Shotgun and Double Barrel now buffed to rival Lancers.Other changes affect Bot AI in Campaign Overrun and Versus, other weapon balancing, graphical enhancements like drawĭistance/shadows/blood and skip startup logos. NOTE: I've included the Title Updates as optional downloads.